Le President Obama et sa femme (sans leurs filles) nous rendent viste ce week-end. Enfin nous, on ne va pas les voir hein, je reve pas.
Le President etait reste au Grove Park Inn lors de sa campagne presidentielle et c'est la qu'il va de nouveau rester ce week-end. Il est attendu a 13h20 a l'aeroport local, les curieux se sont deja assembles pour voir passer Air Force One (enfin une petite version).
Tout ce que je sais c'est qu'il a prevu de jouer au golf, je pourrais donc dire que j'ai joué sur le meme parcours de golf que le president d'ici peu... encore qu'il y a des risques d'orage alors ce n'est pas sur.
En attendant je m'amuse a suive les reporters/papparazzi la: Citizen Time Obama Blog.
Bon apres j'espere aussi ne pas trop etre embetee par la securite en ville.
Edit: A priori il y en a qui essayent de regarder le President plutot que de conduire correctement. "The presidential visit has resulted in traffic jams and general mayhem on the road. According to reporter Jason Sandford, people are running out of gas, stalling out on River Road and Broadway. There’s a bad wreck at the intersection, too. Two cars collided." (source: Asheville Citizen Times).
President Obama and his wife (without their daughters) are visiting us this weekend. Well us, we're not going to see them personally, I'm not dreaming.
The President stayed at the Grove Park Inn during his presidential campaign and that's where he's going to stay this week-end. He is expected at 1:20pm at the local airport, the curious are already gathered to see Air Force One (well a baby version).
All I know is that he has plans to play golf, so I'll be able to say that I played the same golf course as the president soon... well depending on the thunderstorms that could cancel that.
Meanwhile I'm amusing myself by following the journalist/papparazzi there: Citizen Time Obama Blog.
Besides that I hope we won't be bothered too much by the security in town.
Edit: It seems some people would rather look at their window than drive properly: "The presidential visit has resulted in traffic jams and general mayhem on the road. According to reporter Jason Sandford, people are running out of gas, stalling out on River Road and Broadway. There’s a bad wreck at the intersection, too. Two cars collided." (Source: Asheville Citizen Times)
Image: catsdogsformccainandpalintoo
c'est drole j'ai pense a toi en attendant sa venue dans ta ville aux infos locales de Chicago :) il reste pas a l'hotel ou tu bosses?
RépondreSupprimer@Tour Eiffel: Non heureusement ce n'est pas la ou je travaille. Et ca m'arrange bien. On previens nos clients de prevoir 30mn pour le temps de fouilles si ils vont au Grove Park Inn. D'ailleurs l'un de leurs groupes a ete envoye chez nous du coup.