Toujours cet air penaud. Il me demande alors "Veux-tu être ma Valentine?" en me tendant un paquet.
J'étais un peu embêtée quand meme vu qu'on avait dis qu'on ne ferrait rien, mais forcement j'ai dis oui.
J'ai ouvert le paquet pour découvrir un de ces petits sacs qui se mettent autour de la taille, super pratique pour courir avec sa mini poche a eau. Il m'a dit l'avoir vu dans la semaine en solde et il savait que ca me ferrait plaisir. Je me suis sentie un peu bête d'avoir gâché sa surprise...
Ce qui est sur, ca va me motiver a courir, enfin quand il ferra un peu plus chaud dehors. Ça tombe bien je me suis inscrite pour une course de 5km en mai via le travail.
Sunday evening, I turned towards Hubby who was doing noises in the next room, and I see him hide something. I ask him if he's putting thing away. He looks at me guiltily.
Delicate as always I ask him with an accusing tone: "You didn't buy something did you? We said we wouldn't do anything. I didn't buy you anything!"
Still looking guilty, he asks me "Do you want to be my Valentine?" while handing me a package.
I was a bit annoyed because we said we wouldn't do anything, but of course I said yes.
I opened the package to find one of thise little bags to attach around your hips, so practical to ru with it's small water bladder. He told me he saw it on sale and knew it would make me happy. I felt a bit stupid for spoiling his surprise...
What's for sure is that it will motivate me to run, well when it will be warmer outside. It works out good too because I signed up to run a 5K in May through work.
Qu'est ce qu'il est gentil ce hubby !!!
@PCR: Oui, il m'a bien surprise.