On était pas sensé avoir de la neige, mais finalement on en a. On est sur les bords du systeme, donc bizarrement nous avons moins de neige qu'au Sud de chez nous. Le temps est fou!
Après trois week-end d'affilé avec du mauvais temps je commençais a avoir ce que les anglais appellent la "cabin fever" (fièvre de refuge), ou en gros cette sensation de claustrophobie à force de rester enfermé dans un petit espace. Alors après une énième chute de neige nous avions décidés d'aller nous balader coûte que coûte.
Nous avons laisse la voiture a la maison vu que notre route etait un peu gelle. Nous sommes allés à pied jusqu'à Carrier Park, au bord de la rivière.
This year El Nino can be felt in the South-East, while Vancouver lacks snow for the Olympics, it's certainly not the case here. They should have selected Montreal or New-York... even Atlanta maybe.
We weren't supposed to get snow, but we go some in the end. We were on the edge of the storm, weirdly enough we had less snow than south of us. Crazy weather!
After three week-ends in a row with bad weather I was starting to have cabin fever. So after yet an other snow fall, we decided to go walk no matter what.
We left the car at home, given that the road in front of the house was icy. We went on foot to Carrier Park, by the side of the river.
The entrance of Carrier Park, not under water anymore but covered with snow instead.
We weren't alone to make use of this pretty day. Earlier on, Nordic skiers had been leading the trail.
We continued on a section I was not familiar with. A paved trail linking Carried Park to Rhododendron Park. By the side of the river it was beautiful.
We ended up getting back on the road after Rhododendron Park, following Hominy Creek Rd to go back to West Asheville. On the way we saw this old bridge under the one of I-40.
We ended up on Brevard Rd, linking the Farmer's Market to downtown West Asheville. The view was amazing.
Pour finir cette jolie ballade, un Panda équipé pour la neige.
To end this lovely hike, a panda equipped for the snow.
Au total 12 km entre les trottoirs et le bord de rivière. Ça nous a fait un bien fou et puis j'ai pu enfin profiter de la neige.
Je pense que nous irons plus souvent a Carrier Park, mais après le travail pour marcher le long de la rivière.
A total of about 8 miles between the sidewalks and the river side. It did us a lot of good and I was able to enjoy the snow at last.
I think we'll go more often to Carrier Park, but maybe after work, to walk by the side of the river.
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