Nous n'avons pas pu voir le grand gagnant qui etait je crois parti sur New York pour un plateau télé.Mais nous avons pu admirer plusieurs du top 10 qui étaient tous incroyables en terme de qualité de travail.
We weren't able to see the great prize winner which I think was gone to New York for a TV show. But we were able to admire the top 10 which were all incredible when it comes to workmanship.
Un traineau de lutins malicieux.
A malicious elves sleight.
Sans les lutins le traineau deviens une invitation a la ballade romantique.
Without the elves the sleight becomes an invitation to a romantic stroll.
Un monde givré ou seul un Cardinal apporte une touche de couleur.
What can I say about this wagon? I find it exquisite, the trees are adorable and the golden paint so delicate.
Quand a la 2e place, c'est bien simple j'ai encore du mal a croire que l'on peut faire ca a partir d'aliments.
We weren't able to see the great prize winner which I think was gone to New York for a TV show. But we were able to admire the top 10 which were all incredible when it comes to workmanship.
Un traineau de lutins malicieux.
A malicious elves sleight.
Sans les lutins le traineau deviens une invitation a la ballade romantique.
Without the elves the sleight becomes an invitation to a romantic stroll.
Un monde givré ou seul un Cardinal apporte une touche de couleur.
A frosted world where only a Cardinal brings a touch of color.
Que dire de cette roulotte? Je la trouve exquise, les sapins sont adorable le travail de dorure delicat.What can I say about this wagon? I find it exquisite, the trees are adorable and the golden paint so delicate.
As for the 2nd place; it's simple, I still can't believe this can be done out of food.
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